Has anyone been frustrated because your mind and body are on completely different pages!!


So I’m going through this weird phase as a single person where I almost desperately want to feel physical intimacy however, I know for a fact from previous experiences that I absolutely don’t feel anything until I have a good emotional connection (I’m demisexual).

This is causing extreme frustration for me as I listen to my mind and go on dating apps and match with guys but when they talk about meeting up too soon I sort of don’t want to do it. I don’t want to force myself to do anything so I end up not going.

I have previously made up hot scenes in my head with a guy and was super excited to meet him (even felt the butterflies while thinking about being with him) but when we were making out I felt nothing because of lack of emotional bond.

I’m so frustrated because I know mentally I’m ready but my body just doesn’t cooperate. How do I deal with this? I’m also unable to masturbate because I can’t finish so it only frustrates me more.


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