Having a new experience where not having sex for a while is making me angrier and more irritable (21F)


It’s actually bizarre because I really grew up not having sex at all in a conservative country with the same horniness levels but after losing my virginity at 18 I have been really, really enjoying and \*needing\* sex not just for the release of the horniness but to actually make me feel better. I know that sounds really unhealthy and that I should find other coping mechanisms but my life is in shambles right now and I know that if I were having sex it would help me immensely. It honestly hasn’t even been super long by my standards, I just counted the months and they were three, yet I swear I feel like it’s been an eternity, or at least 8 months If I think about the last time (which was so, so good and with a guy I really liked and miss a lot who was the unicorn of FWB and insanely good in bed) . Also what makes this a lot worse is the last time I \*tried\* to have sex (separate from and following the last amazing time I mentioned earlier) with another guy we didn’t have intercourse at all except for him fingering me super roughly and painfully and me giving him oral, all because he didnt have a condom and didnt go out to buy one. Ugh.

Anyway. I am just so sexually frustrated and it’s making me angry, and it’s kind of wild to me.


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