Having sexual issues in my relationship


I (26F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for almost two years now and I couldn’t be happier. He loves and respects me, and I him, and he’s quick to comfort when he senses that I’m upset or feeling down. To be frank, being with him is what I want. Unfortunately, we’re having issues sexually in our relationship. He has a low sex drive and, being honest, I can probably count on my hands how many times we’ve done it in the past almost two years. And I’m becoming a bit frustrated. I’m not feeling resentment or any kind of anger towards him. I just want to know how to get over this hurdle. In the early days of our relationship we were all over each other and he was always the one to initiate. But things rather quickly faltered when we settled down a bit. We would still do things in between (not actual sex) but even that has become almost non-existent. Being self conscious, I immediately thought I wasn’t doing something right or that he was losing attraction in me. He reassured me that WASN’T the case but things didn’t really improve. The last time we did something he was so zoned out from the experience I just wanted him stop. I texted him not long after and basically spilled out how I’m feeling frustrated and a bit neglected and he apologized to me and expressed how we need to fix this. But we’re not exactly sure how to do so. And though I’m not sure if it adds to this or not, he does masturbate frequently. And he has admitted that actual sex doesn’t do much for him, and though he tells me it’s not because of me I still can’t help feeling a bit disheartened by it and it makes me feel really guilty. I’d like some different perspectives and advice to see what I should do.


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