He started playing on his phone after we had sex.


Last night I (22F) and my not exactly fwb and not exactly boyfriend, it’s complicated (25m) had mindblowing sex but after we finished he started playing on his phone. He knows that when we finish I tremble and keep breathing hard for 15 minutes atleast and sometimes when he touches any sensitive parts, i tell him not to but I definitely like to be held. When I confronted him then and there he got mad and said that I m too quick to judge and that he only wanted me get back to normal and as soon as I stopped trembling that he came to hold me. And that he doesnt understand how after we had a good day I was bringing up just random things. He also said instead of getting mad, I should have told him that I wanted to be held amd he would have done it instantly. Please help me understand it. I felt very hurt and vulnerable and almost cried when I was just laying by myself.


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