Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 Soundtrack Release Announcement -Playlists


Klaatu Records proudly presents the world premiere release to the score for the cult-classic horror film sequel, HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II by composer Paul Zaza (Prom Night franchise, My Bloody Valentine, A Christmas Story).

HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II is the 1987  horror film directed by Bruce Pittman. Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge.

Most of Paul Zaza’s original score he wrote for the film was heavily edited and chopped up in the final film. For this release, Paul personally selected and edited the tracks to create a more listenable experience. The audio was mastered by Collin Jordan with artwork direction by Luis Miguel Rojas. Album was produced by Logan Johns and Ryan Graveface.

Pre-Order is now available and will start shipping the first week of October.

Limited Edition release of 200 units.





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