Help I can’t be satisfied. I’m stressed out of my mind.


I’m a woman (24F) and already have a high sex drive, I’m visual and can cum in a few minutes.

My husband and I have a great sex life, he’s amazing in bed and (I hope) I am too.

Yesterday night we had a very long session, but I just couldn’t get satisfied. I felt satisfied for maybe 20 minutes but then felt that feeling again. By then he was asleep, so I sorted it out myself.

I tried sleeping, but again 15-20 minutes later that feeling was there again, I tried ignoring it but I gave in.

After a struggle I fell asleep, woke up and we had sex again. It’s evening now and I’m *still* in the mood but I don’t want to bother him for the 3rd time in under 24 hours or make him feel like he’s not doing enough.

It actually hurts a bit now (physically), I’m only satisfied for a few minutes and it’s stressing me out now.

My period is in a couple days so maybe that’s why but it’s never been this extreme before.

Has any other woman experienced this and do you know how to deal with it? Thanks

I wish I had a damn refractory period, men are so lucky.


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