Helping her to let go and orgasm


My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years. Prior to this she has no sexual experience and tends to be a self-conscious person who has a hard time just relaxing. She has a hard time getting out of her mind and just enjoying me pleasuring her.

I love giving oral (I am a man), and will do so for long periods of time. She knows I enjoy it, but still, pretty much the only way she will orgasm during sex is if there is a substantial amount of time(1/2 to 1hr) spent on kissing, massaging and the like… Is this just normal and my brain is tweaked into thinking I should be able to get her there much faster?

She used to be so in her head about getting there that it was very hard for her to have an orgasm, but this has gotten much better with much encouragement from me telling her that I enjoy pleasuring her…


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