Her toy use


Both late 40s. She’s been WFH since 2020. I noticed earlier in the year that she was using the few toys we owned. Since then, she’s bought a bunch more, only some of which I officially know about.

She hasn’t told me about these purchases, and she doesn’t tell me she’s using them. I should stress, both of these are ok, I’m not trying to control her or anything; she doesn’t need any permission, but I maybe wouldn’t mind being informed after the fact. I don’t want a play by play, but it would at least be nice to know what she’s learning about her body, because I think that can only help me with her. Also maybe these are toys we could use together, not to mention knowing what she’s bought means I won’t pick up the same thing at some point.

So really, should I be concerned that she seems to use them nearly every weekday and has lied when I (occasionally) ask about it? And that she’s buying them and keeping them hidden?

I should also add that I don’t think she’s choosing toys over me, and our sex is good (but I wouldn’t mind a bit more). So maybe the real answer is don’t rock the boat?


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