High sex drive but struggle too


So I’m a 26F and I have an insanely high sex drive like I could fuck for hours and still want more. The only issue is that it is rare that I feel anything. My bf is the only one who has been able to get me to orgasm and that’s because he’s learned to find my spots and take his time. I’ve had other partners and none have been able to get me to climax. I want to feel it but I feel nothing. Like I feel it sliding in and out but no good sensation where i feel ima orgasm. I have an open relationship with my bf but none of my other guys have been able to get me to climax. At this point I feel like I’m a sex doll lol. The only time I do feel something is when my bf is either going deep and taping my cervix or if he plays with my clit. And sometimes fingering. But regular sex I feel nothing. I hate it cuz I love sex so much 😩 Does anyone else feel this? Any advice? Please help me.


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