Highlander: The Source – Playlists

The world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city, Duncan MacLeod – the Highlander, remembers happier times before …







24 responses to “Highlander: The Source – Playlists”

  1. Jimmy James Avatar

    45:24 is the best part.

  2. TAFARI TATA Avatar

    This movie sucks

  3. thebenforever Avatar

    After finishing the series (even with that dog crap 6th season), it's just fun to see some of the characters again.


    As Joe was dying, he definitely should have said with his last breath "if there can be only one, may it be Duncan MacLeod."

  4. Mike Yates Avatar

    Wow , that sucked

  5. Beetle Nectar Avatar

    RIP Freddie Mercury

  6. T.A.P. Gaming Avatar

    I could shit out a better ending for Highlander than this.

  7. Eloy Martinez Avatar

    I have always been a fan of Highlander…but this movie was downright terrible.

  8. DG31 Avatar

    I’ve tried watching this movie several times and cannot tell you how fucking pissed I was that it related to nothing Highlander. A huge joke. Felt bad for Adrian as he help mold the character Duncan and this is the shit they finish with. Huge disrespect to the saga series. The other movies were not horrible but this, this is Sci-Fi channel shit. Horrible. I kept change the channel cuz it was so bad I still don’t know the source of the immortals lol. It’s like if someone took season 6 of the series and expanded it into a movie.

  9. JETWTF Avatar

    Oh look another off the rails Highlander movie, the only one on the rails was the first one.

  10. Bob Brown Avatar

    35:08 Discount Alec Baldwin 😀

  11. Kurt Jarrett Avatar

    This movie made totally sense. I loved it. It explained why the immortals believed there can be only one. All the immortals in the highlander series could never procreate, but lived forever as a cost. So I guess Duncan decided to choose life instead of immortality. Truly epic

  12. Alice McDonald Avatar

    One of my all time favorites ❤

  13. Kenneth Ross Avatar

    There should been only one….

  14. HanzSygnal Avatar

    Ive heard that this was bad, but this is truly incoherent. Too dark lightning, nauseating jump cuts, bizarre cgi speed up effects, stale and forced dialog, no backstory for context, cringy love scene in the woods. Highlander 2 is better than its reputation, but this is worse. The imdb reviews are a must read after watching

  15. Richard Smith Avatar

    I love the highlander franchise and I think they did an amazing job with what they had. May the character Richie rest in peace.

  16. Deydrania Diancecht Avatar

    Such a seriously stupid movie!! "Time to stop killing each other! I finally got my wife pregnant so the entire world has to stop being evil!" What the fuck?! Who wrote this trash?!

  17. GREG SPANGLER Avatar


  18. Buz Buzbee Avatar

    This is one of the few movies that are absolutely 100% completely unwatchable. Sad that the franchise went out with this turd.

  19. Archie2c Avatar

    This is a movie about anything but Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod.

  20. Archie2c Avatar

    The Source tells of 2023.

  21. Archie2c Avatar

    Endgame let's be a bad movie the Source.. hold my bud light