Hinge hookup (22M) said I love you during sex. I’m 21F


Listen, I don’t even know what to make or think of this entire situation at hand. This could also maybe be an AITA post.

Alright, so I matched with this guy on a dating app, after a day or two of texting we decided to FaceTime. We got along well and ended up FaceTiming for three hours. We talked about relationships and knew that we were both looking for one, not fwb situations. He lives an hour away and ended up driving here so we could hang out in person. It quickly became more touchy than I anticipated but I have the awful trait of just going along with things because the thought of confronting it causes me so much anxiety. After a couple of hours, he started to call me baby… which just kind of was not sitting super right in my stomach but we had been having a pretty good time despite that. Long story short we ended up hooking up, to which, multiple times he said “I love you” and “I want you to say you love me”

?!?!?!?! Writing this actually out in words now is making me feel pretty uncomfy. Regardless, as I said about my awful trait, and after ignoring him multiple times I finally said “I love you” to get it over with at that point. I thought it would make him finish. I regret saying this so much but I am a lil coward that just can’t speak up. Afterward, it was like we were immediately in a relationship. I could tell he was glancing at my phone often, and continued calling me baby and love. Later he was with his friends and was talking about me, and he caught me off guard on FaceTime with his family, and made me talk to them.

IM STRESSEDDDD. Is this all my fault and what do I do? I really do enjoy his personality and think we get along super well, but I definitely did not sign up for this after hanging out one single time. He was here about a week ago, and he FaceTimes /texts constantly. I just need some people to validate me that this is crazy right? And you can come for me for giving in and saying back but I really didn’t want to say it, which I know can be worse too but I didn’t know what else to do.


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