Honeymoon sex ideas for our last day/ night


We are on night 5 of 6 of our honeymoon. We’ve already done a lot. Sex during the day in our semi private pool with our suits on (super hot when others walked by but obviously didn’t know what was going on). Sex in that pool fully naked late at night. Sex on the couch next to that pool. Sex in the bed. Sex in the shower. Sex on the inside couch. Bondage. Filmed plenty. Cream pies. Cum shots. Lots of oral from both. Vibes. We’ve been going a little crazy on this trip compared to our normally vanilla (but wonderful) sex. Since tomorrow is our last full day and night, does anyone have any other suggestions? We are at an all inclusive on the beach. Still trying to get into a cabana on the beach late at night but that’s all that’s left that we have thought of and they have people monitoring the beach area at night.


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