How can I cope or get over giving up the other parts of my sexuality and exploration for my gf?


So I’ve(21M pansexual) been with my gf(19F pansexual) for almost 6 months and I love her and she is in love and totally obsessed with me which is amazing and I feel super luck to have met her but I’m having a bit of an issue for a bit now in the relationship which is she’s has a lot of sexual partners in the past she’s said herself that she has a “high body count” not that that was or is an issue to me I think its wrong to judge someone for how may people they’ve been sexually active with as long as they aren’t being harmful, but the issue is she is my first anything whether it be kissing, sex, just relationships in general and she’s ready to fully commit to me for the rest of her life not like we’re getting married but she’s said she sees me in her life and not gonna lie I’m not against that idea what’s so ever she is an amazing beautiful person despit what I’m posting about today. Now to the topic of the post like I said she’s done a lot with all identities but she’s my first anything both her and I also have very high sex drives and are very open minded about sex me a bit more than her, but to get back on topic basically I am sexually into both masc and fem presenting and identifying people 100%/100% and am now wanting to figure out how to cope with giving up and never being able to experience someone with a penis, or who’s dominant, or whos open to more fetishes, or who’s open and comfortable trying new looks or outfits, or someone whos very masc or fem cause I love this woman and if I’m gonna stay with her I have to give up on my curiosities and desires and fantasies and want to know how I can cope or get over my sadness, jealousy, and fear.

TL;DR, I’m(21M pansexual) with an amazing woman(19F pansexual) who’s had quite a few sexual experience and partners but she is my first anything we’re both in love and see a life together bit I’m scared, sad, and jealous about giving up on the other parts of my sexuality, exploration, and desires and want to figure out how to cope or get over them.


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