How can I fix my weak orgasms?


When i (19F) orgasm I can feel my nose clear (i have allergies year round) for like a few seconds and that’s about it. I’m a virgin so i’ve only masturbated.

I’m horny all the time and masturbating doesn’t help that go away. I think I daydream of sexual fantasies too much throughout the day. Just seeing a normal picture of a celebrity I like can cause really sexual thoughts I feel kinda bad about it. I only masturbate at night though when people are asleep.

I am on antidepressants which have made me even hornier but my orgasms feel like nothing. They didn’t feel like much when I was off antidepressants either.

I don’t like visual porn but often use audio porn or written porn. I think another problem is my fantasies are too specific to find in audio or written form but my ability to daydream isn’t strong enough lol. And my intrusive thoughts get much worse when masturbating, they distract me and gross me out.

I’ve only really been able to do clitoral with my hand. I’ve tried vaginal (can only fit one finger) and it feels good for a little bit but can’t orgasm. Same with rubbing my nipples. Showerheads do nothing for me, it just feels like how water does on the rest of my body.


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