How can I have sex with a fat person as a fat person.


I feel so defeated. I’m almost 40 and I feel like I’m too fat to have the energy and mobility to have sex properly.

I love my girlfriend to death but she is also overweight and she can’t go on top of me or she really hurts my legs.

She doesn’t look like she’s ever gotten pleasure out of sex and honestly I couldn’t blame her with what I’m putting out.

We both love each other but we honestly have sex maybe 2-3 times a year and now that we are trying to have kids.

It’s not working but I figure only having sex a couple times a year doesn’t help.

I’m here looking for some suggestions but I have a feeling the only thing I’m going to hear is to lose weight but I’m giving it a try anyways.

She also broke a tooth recently and we are waiting to get it fixed but there is an ungodly smell coming from her mouth that there’s nothing we can do about for the time being but it’s extremely turning me off.

Edit: It says in the post we are waiting to get the tooth fixed, not sure why anyone says we can’t afford to fix our teeth?


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