How can I make french kissing better?


Late bloomer here 😅
I’ve been dating someone for the past two months. It’s the first person I’ve ever kissed. And so far, so good.
Yesterday, we were kissing and he told me to use more my tongue. It was something weird for me but I tried. It just didn’t feel natural…
He told me he really enjoyed the kissing session and I noticed that too because he kinda moaned in the moment (something that I kinda liked). But if I focus on the kissing, I feel like it could be better. Sometimes I’m too overwhelmed by everything happening (him touching my body or me trying to figure where to put my hands), and I can’t focus on so many things at the same time. But kissing with tongue is something I still don’t get how to do it correctly. Specially when we’re sitting next to each other.


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