How can I make sure my semen is the “best” it can be before a blowjob?


My wife and I have been together for over 20 years. We are both 40 and are each other’s one and only.

I have always wanted blowjobs but because of some trauma in her early life it wasn’t ever in the near future. She was always “working on it”.

We are now being much more explorative and she is finally “maybe ready” for me to cum in her mouth. She said that she is considering it, and when it does happen I can’t be mad if she runs to spit it out.

I don’t want this to traumatize her at all and I want this to continue. I don’t want her to hate it so much that she says never again.

I ordered some Bromelain tablets and I’m drinking a lot of water. I can’t just down a pineapple the day of because this isn’t something that’s going to be planned. It could happen tonight or it might be 2 years from now, if ever.

My biggest thing is that I want to be ready whenever.

I understand it will be bad after fish, asparagus, and other foods. I can’t avoid food forever but I feel like there has to be some long term stuff I can start working on.

Thanks in advance.


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