How can I manage sexual expectations better ?


Me 29m and my partner 28f have been in a relationship of 10 years until we recently got married. Until 5y ago we did not actually have sex since we come from a conservative country and we used to live there. We moved to usa 2015 and we were in long distance for 6y which made sex only a reality when we met each other. Our frequency right now is 1-2 times a week but I have a way higher sex drive as compared to her. We only had each other as the sexual partner so I would take some inexperience into account. We both sometimes do talk about expectations but here are the issues

1. She hates a bj prob never tried until I repeatedly asked to try, without trying she says it’s gross! I want to give her oral she denies that too – same reason hygiene / gross
2. I always initiate sex since I have a way higher sex drive – like probably I can have it every day or every other day. Any tips on managing my personal sex drive is great! I totally respect it as it’s ok too. Sometimes when I ask/initiate with a higher frequency -m she does not like it and says you are horny all the time
3. Because of her reservations in trying something new there are always limited things we do – how can I respectfully talk about this for ex I got repeated no’s for bj

On other regards We have a perfect relationship. So just looking to improve things with some inputs here. Thanks!


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