How do I ask men to moan for me without sounding like a pervert?


So far my male hookups seem to not be entirely at ease while doing the deed (understandably so since we’re not that familiar). I know they’re definitely enjoying it, they’re actively participating making a lot of first moves- but the moans aren’t as frequent as I want them to be. It’s not silent but I want moreeeee. How do I ask to hear more of those lovely sounds?

Im scared I come off a bit too strong(they make all the first moves but I enjoy taking the leas) and I don’t want to emasculate(or make them uncomfortable) them by asking them to moan for me. Should I just wait until we get to know each other more and hope they’ll be more vocal? Are guys insecure about their voice during sex?

Edit: Thanks for the replies everyone I appreciate your input🫶🏾. I forgot to add context I’m 22f and I’m experimenting after getting out of a long term relationship (and not having much experience prior).


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