How do some women squirt SO much and so often? Pee or not, it blows my mind how much some can


Just trying to understand something here from women who can squirt…

I occasionally watch women on free cam sites and there is this one who squirts SO SO much. Like, the amount that comes out is just wild lol. And she does it almost every 10-20 minutes.

There is just no way all of that can be pee. It’s just way too much every single time. I mean, when I have an absolutely full bladder and can barely keep it in, I pee a lot but that’s built up over hours and hours or LOTS of beers in a short amount of time haha. And since this is live and not some ultra edited porn flick on pornhub or whatever, I find it hard to believe any of this is truly fake. And it’s not just this one woman, there are several who seem to squirt like water bottles full over a span of 30 minutes or so.

Are these women just outliers and anomalies or is this normal? I mean yeah, I get that squirting is a lot of urine – or at least is partially made up of it – but, idk… Any insight lol??


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