How do y’all talk about sex with your SOs?


I (m27) am very kinky and as many other men have multiple fantasies. On the other hand my SO (f26) does not. This is exclusively about verbally communicating about sex, exploring certain topics and themes in conversation, not the actual act. The topic of sex is sporadic and when we do talk about it, it’s a fleeting moment. It’s not that she won’t talk about it with me but the conversations are not engaging, as she could “take it or leave it”. In some cases I realize it is unlikely to fulfill most of my fantasies, but i like the idea of talking about them; these conversations don’t tend to be very engaging almost absent minded, she would just listen. It’s not that she won’t communicate about what SHE likes, she will (she’ll tell me exactly what she likes, how she likes it and what she didn’t like all of which I appreciate). It’s more of when I’m taking about my fantasies and kinks and trying to explore them with her. It’s gotten to the point it feels like I’m “confessing” which is the opposite of fun.

Has anyone had this happen? Is there a remedy?


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