How easy is it to accidentally slip a penis inside someone?


So I was dating this guy and we had done sexual acts together but we hadn’t ever had sex. So he came over and I told him clearly that I didn’t want to have sex and that I was on my period and had a tampon in. He was on top of me like rubbing himself against me and then I felt his penis go inside me. I instantly said no stop… Which he did… But he didn’t stop straight away. It was only a couple of seconds, but he slid up and down a couple of times before pulling out. It made me feel violated and I don’t know if I’m just being dramatic or not. I just rolled over with my back to him and it was really awkward, I think he could tell something was up. To break the tension I then stupidly said “I’m not counting that as us having sex” and he then denied going inside me, so I said something like “well you did I felt it” and then that was it end of conversation. Basically my question is, if a man is on top of a woman how easy is it for their penis to accidentally slip inside them? And my second question is, do I count this as us having sex even though I didn’t want it and it was only a couple of seconds?


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