How I 24f get my husband 28m to want me


Me (24F) and my husband (27m) got married after dating for four years and a lovely love story
Since I saved my self until marriage I didn’t know the tasty sex until I got it with my husband
The problem is it’s our first year and the sex is not requested from my husband and he wouldn’t let me approche him to have it
I tried to wear sexy stuff,putting make-up, talking dirty , touching him … He’s just not in the mood -he says a harsh NO it used to make me cry and get me mad- (and in the few times it happens for us he lays on his back and I do most of the work + it s the same position most of the time)
We did go for months without it (I did please my own self and I felt guilty each time -watched porn and had to imagine my self with another guy witch is not my favorite) and it did break me cause I really love him and I we get closer after it
I asked him to work on it and he said yes but no effort
It s just not the sex life I imagined to have and I started comparing us as a couple to other couples
Plus I don’t feel like a wanted female from my husband and thought about divorce but i really love him and want us to have the hot steamy sex so we enjoy our youth

1- he used to make more effort for me before we got married in every thing, now it s so much less and I get down for asking favorites
2- I know he got a medical condition that requires to take meds( the meds get him mood swings)
3- I went to counseling (alone ) it did help a bit but didn’t make such a difference

HELP please
Edit: we tried to talk about it … He always says he know that I need it and it’s my right and we will get through it but God damn it s been a while and I need it


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