How to approach ass play with close-minded boyfriend?


I (f18) want to do ass play with my bf (m19). I am not interested in being penetrated but penetrating him with my fingers or maybe even pegging him in the future is something I am really interested in. I love to give him blowjobs and pleasuring him, I am more a giver than a receiver. So to get to the point, I now that having the prostate stimulates is really pleasurable and it can give a man big orgasms and I would really want him to experience that pleasure. The problem is that he is kinda close-minded and shy. I would never do anything that he is uncomfortable with. I just want him to know that doing ass play doesn’t make you gay and can be really pleasurable, which I don’t think he understands.

So how can I approach this topic without „scaring“ him?

And if he will be comfortable how can I make this a good experience for him?

What are the first small steps that we can take?
Any advise?


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