How to approach my bf?


I was with my bf and we were going at it and this is not the first time I covered/wanted something over my eyes, I learned that I enjoyed being blindfolded cuz it heightens my other feelings and sensations and as a girl who takes a little more effort to cum I like that!
But it wasn’t until recently he made a comment about it and it made me think it might be making him feel a little insecure? He was a bigger kid growing up(maybe he thinks I don’t wanna see him?) and had a few there problems in the past that could possibly contribute to it..
I explained why I did it but I don’t know if it made sense in his mind.
So… are there any guys out there who kinda struggled with this too? Why did you feel that way, what did you do to resolve the issue, what would you WANT your partner to know/do


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