How to cum from PiV masturbation?



I (19f) am a virgin, and recently I’ve been trying to cum not from clitoral stimulation but by using my dildo, as I’m hoping to be able to do it more easily when my boyfriend amd I get involdlved sexually, and I find the idea of a PiV orgasm quite hot.

I know often women can’t cum from PiV, but I know I *can* because the first time I explored my body + came I did it by stimulating by g-spot (though I didn’t know it by that name then) and not my clit, as I had no idea what a clit even was.

So, I come here seeking advice from female-bodied people who can cum from PinV – how do I get back into it? Is it just a practice-makes-perfect kind of situation or is there something I can do to make it easier?


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