How to deal with being sexual insatiable (DON’T DM ME)


So a bit of background first. I’m in a long distance heterosexual relationship with another demisexual. We used to both identify as asexual with a low libido and only recently developed a sexual attraction to each other. We both have a pretty high libido atm, so lots of cyber sex. The problem is that I’m ALWAYS in the mood now. I’ll use my vibrator or finger myself multiple times a day while thinking about him, in addition to cyber mutual masturbation. It’s not fast either, I’ll sometimes zone out and lose 30 minutes or more.
I know this wouldn’t normally be considered a problem, and yet I’m kinda knew to the whole horny thing. Before I met him I had nearly no interest in sex or personal pleasuring. I feel a bit out of control with how constant this feel is.

Is this normal?

How do I satisfy myself so I can go a little longer without feeling the urge?

(Don’t give me dumb answers like “Oh I’ll help with that” I’m still staunchly repulsed by the idea of anything sexual with anyone other than my partner)


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