How to leave someone who’s gooooooooood in bed but not good for you?


25F, extremely high sex drive that makes me choose the fuckbois all the time. I’m working on my healing right now, I know these men aren’t just the problem, the problem is me as well.

Currently, I want a stable relationship where I feel loved & not objectified every second. I’m so done with the meaningless thing & I hate being in this position again.

I met this guy last year through an app; he wanted to date me but I wasn’t ready. We hooked up a few times, but I ghosted him a lot, like a lot & he kept texting me, chasing me, complimenting my pics, but I wasn’t interested. We reconnected 2-2.5 months ago & been hooking up since quite a lot of times & now I felt attached so I told him, but his reaction to the feeling was just blah. I got the hint that he wants just good sex & I confronted, he said “I like how things are rn.” So I get the point, but he would still be hitting me up texting me, complimenting me, but I know these tricks. I really wanna let him go now but he’s so good in bed, like the best I have ever had. What to do? Ugh.

Looking for advice on how to let go of someone who’s the best in bed but bad for your heart/emotions?


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