How to Make Money Selling Drugs – Playlists

Want to make millions in a $400 billion global industry? Find out why no one is winning the war on drugs in this provocative …







42 responses to “How to Make Money Selling Drugs – Playlists”

  1. 2Trill804 Avatar

    Bfo Fentynal hit

  2. Damon Lockstadt Avatar

    LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ–ค

  3. Who The CAP fits Avatar

    Wow the internet has gone to the sad๐Ÿ˜ข

  4. Steve Avatar

    I never did or sold hard drugs. I only sold what I took. I still take steroids to this day. I donโ€™t sell them unless I know whoโ€™s taking them. If someone isnโ€™t built muscular like me. Or they are fat skinny no mass at all I wonโ€™t sell Because they donโ€™t work out. And if you are skinny theyโ€™re not going to work unless you eat right and still lift you canโ€™t inject them and think they will bulk you up you still have to put the work in.

  5. Raymond Clifford Avatar

    Cotton wasโ€ฆ.KING!!!! Federal government was tithing South Carolina more than 75% on every dollar sold! The time period was 1850s! Do you see where this went?

  6. Gus Gatzonis Avatar

    Ill tell ya the best way to make the money selling drugs. It's to not sell em period because time is the ultimate money and ur gonna lose a hell of a lot of time doing it, guaranteed. That being said, I will never begrudge someone for doing it because the laws and the way society is set up today thanks to law makers and politicians is to keep people broke and slaving for the rich just to survive. Today most families need two earners and that's a load of crap. My suggestion is to begin by not paying any taxes anymore unless the money is documented and represented. Screw all of it. It is illegal besides the other outrageous and egregious way we are taxed. We do not earn salaries at work. It is an equal trade for equal service. Not taxable period the end. Show me an employer that is paying more money than the job is worth! Ain't gonna happen. You can only be taxed on money made in the market thru capital gains. Usually in the stock market or a type of investment. Gotta look into it if you like or just be like me and tell em to screw off

  7. Jensen Avatar

    Outstanding documentary!!

  8. Cavario Online Avatar

    At the 18:28 mark "Mr.X" gives typical novice (what WE "the initiated" call "scramblers") advice when he suggests that people keep their money and their material in the same place. That's not how a trained hustler operates, that's how a "scrambler" (desperate civilian in the streets) operates.

  9. Chad Willett Avatar

    It's time to legalize all drugs! It's gotta be a state owned operation that way its the state that makes the money. That solves so many problems It's reduces spending on police, prisons, it would reduce illegal immigration and we'd see fewer overdoses. No downside !

  10. just call me Ay Ay Avatar

    Ok im mot going to lie i was born a hustler i went to school just to sell weed and crack i was in the 5th grade selling crack tmy coach could tell you she would page me yeah i had a beeper .the principal found out and i was selling weed to him monday -friday Dear FBI CIA im retired now.๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. Johann Johann Avatar

    OMG this is a movie? "How to Make Money Selling Drugs". Duh! It's the easiest money you'll ever make. What the movie title "should" be is: "How To Sell Drugs and Make Money While Not Getting Caught, or Going To Jail"! Cause everybody makes money. Everybody gets caught. Not everybody goes to jail.

  12. Aaron Tilley Avatar

    That is funny to say none violent drug dealing..

  13. Lucky13 Avatar

    I watched this because I need a part time job. Now to pick which substance to offer. ๐Ÿ‘

  14. Derek Avatar

    Cops be like ๐Ÿ‘€

  15. Louis Smith Avatar

    This is illegal!!!
    I donโ€™t know what happened

  16. Henry Avatar

    The cocaine trade of the early 80s was very good to me!!

  17. Demetri Pamplin Avatar

    These stunts were performed by trained professionals, please donโ€™t try this at home.

  18. Corey Spain Avatar

    Big Government hates it when you try to play and profit in their games!

  19. Pi Guy Avatar

    can you teach me how to make money by making shitty "documentaries"?

  20. Kylan Parsons Avatar

    Popped up, for educational purposes only.

  21. Jack Campbell Avatar

    Everyone in America really needs to watch & truly listen to the last hour & 1/2 of this video. The true war on drugs are all the FEDS & police who take the drug dealers money. And funds there police departments. So whoโ€™s the true drug dealers??? Letโ€™s get money people.

  22. Dolph Avatar

    They need to get in more depth which they wont do i already know most of these things

  23. David Connors Avatar

    Wow America. This must be what the war on drugs was really about ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿซค๐Ÿค”๐Ÿซค๐Ÿค”๐Ÿซค๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

  24. Kemet media Avatar

    Yall dont have to explain the government is the biggest drug dealers on the planet ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚ ยฒfree will watch as u please thats why its on here..

  25. Cliff Shomette Avatar

    Is this a movie about the federal government and the drug industry?

  26. Deo721 Avatar

    This is a classic documentary

  27. Markus J. Arbab Avatar

    Did he say do 5 yrs for 100k
    Thatโ€™s like 20k per year and you spend it in prison. The f is wrong with that guy.

  28. John Smith Avatar

    Every time we empty our jails, our crime level SOARS, as we're seeing today. Likewise, when we fill our prisons, crime goes down. I know Leftists cannot figure out how that works, but Americans sure do.

  29. John Smith Avatar

    I would tell that guy with the lips that Baltimore no longer has a police force to speak of, and they're paying the price for that.

  30. John Smith Avatar

    Glad to see we're getting soft on drug laws…as long I don't visit any cities.

  31. ThreadScroller Avatar

    Weeds not 2500 to 3000 a pound. Maybe in different states.

  32. MMP๐ŸŒ Avatar

    I do not intend to sell drugs. Im here only for research purposes of course๐Ÿ“

  33. Raymond Terry Avatar

    I am against selling drugs just curious

  34. Anonymous Freedom Avatar

    I been targeted and effected in so many ways by so many different schemes of these evil government entities people and new laws๐Ÿ˜ข

  35. Fonzo Barber Avatar

    i am watching for education and entertainment only

  36. Mubarak Avatar

    Thatโ€™s hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ UTube university ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  37. boutrosboutrosboutros Avatar

    This must have been made before the legal weed trade. We sell pounds of weed a day now at my shop, and we're paying 30% in taxes to all the different government agencies the state AND the Fed! And you have to get a license to play this game in California, it's big money and the black market is still alive and strong in Cali because of this

  38. boutrosboutrosboutros Avatar

    Irony on top of irony. It's fascinating that 50 Cent made himself into an amazing medium Mogul artist off of the street cred of drug dealing. It's very hard to make a lot of money selling drugs, most people get caught or ripped off or murdered. 50 Cent made his fortune in pop culture not selling drugs. He is an amazing human being

  39. Myra Thompson Avatar

    This is horrible too tell these poor kids too sell drugs. They will ruin they lives and be in the prison system. Take advice from me go too college and get a good career. Working hard pays off. Get a good career. Invest aleast 200 a month in compound income and you will never have too sell drugs. Open a small business. Never sell drugs. Once you have education nobody can take that away from you. Materail things are not worth going too jail are getting killed for. Take this off of utube because it is very negative for our kills and young people too be looking at. Instead you should have on here how too go too school too be a doctor are nurse are nurse practitioner are scientists are business owner. Not having something so negative on here. Smh

  40. vyoufinder Avatar

    If you can't do the time… Don't do the crime. I can make more money selling legal products and services.

  41. Aries Avatar

    Wow I'm actually in real life seeing this, life is truly stranger than fiction

  42. joekickass Avatar

    Why would they make this video ?