How to tell partner I am sexually dissatisfied without crushing them?


I (22M) have been with my partner (24F) for nearly two years now. I love her and hope to one day propose to her. I am her first sexual partner (something she lied to me about before we had sex). I have been very patient with her, but she is not sexually giving at all. It’s gotten to the point where I just feel like her dildo/vibrator. It’s not a frequency issue, but for instance, if she wants sex, she will do her best to turn me on even if I am not interested, but once she cums, it’s usually game over. I don’t expect reciprocity everytime, but I am getting the very short end of the orgasm stick. She’s probably gone down on me less than 5 times this year, compared to probably well over a dozen for me. If I want her to, I have to ask, and it’s hard because I don’t want her to feel like she has to do anything, so I often just don’t. If I need her to kiss my neck or play my penis, I often have to ask. I have previously discussed it in a very light manner before, but I feel I need to be more direct since it’s gotten to the point, where I am fantasizing about previous partners. I just want to feel like she cares about my satisfaction. I also don’t really have any solutions/suggestions for her, so bringing it up right now is just presenting a problem she never dealt with before. Any advice is appreciated.


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