Husband (35M) complained to his mom about our sex life and had her talk to me (27F)


One of the most uncomfortable conversations I’ve ever had. He had his mom (who’s never liked me) talk to me about the fact that he doesn’t feel satisfied with our sex life. He told her I don’t listen to him when he asks for more sex and is tired of me pushing him away.

Now she is making me feel like an awful wife, telling me that if I can’t satisfy my man I can only be mad at myself if he has to go get it somewhere else. That I need to remember that keeping my husband happy is what I need to do as a wife or I’ll be responsible for a broken family. It’s like she isn’t a woman herself and didn’t go through the same struggles of being a stay at home wife with kids close in age.

We have 4 kids ages 1-6. I stay home with the kids and do everything for them from waking up to bedtime. He’s the fun parent who works all day and comes home tired so he’ll play or hang out with them but I still have to do everything else. How in the mood can I be after running around all day picking up after 4 kids, feeding them, cleaning, etc?

We have sex 3-4 times a week. That’s the max I can do. Honestly it’s even too much for me but I force myself because I know how he gets. The times that I push him away are outside of that 3-4 times a week, when I’m exhausted and just can’t! I feel so cornered and unappreciated.

I don’t know how to handle this or talk to him about it without it becoming yet another fight. How should I approach this? What am I supposed to do to make him happier without overwhelming myself ever more? Advice please?


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