Husband has missionary issues


Background: My husband (26M) and I (20F) recently got married but we’ve been together and sexually active for two years.

In the beginning he did have trouble keeping an erection but it’s gotten better over time. I blame it on nerves because I was a new girl to him.

Now that we’ve known each other for a while and live together, I notice a reoccurring issue.

He doesn’t have trouble getting an erection now, but the problem is maintaining it. There have been many times where he is hard and I am able to get on top of him without a problem. But whenever it comes to missionary, he gets soft when trying to go in. It really makes me insecure and I try not to make it about myself. It doesn’t happen every time we have sex but I can say a few times a month he goes through this. Again cowgirl and doggy style he has no trouble.

How do I help him and what could be the cause? He is also fine during blowjobs.

Tl;dr! Husband (26M) has trouble keeping an erection during missionary only.

Edit: I want to add a bit more so you guys can understand better. I can only finish during missionary if he sits upright with his legs folded under him, kind of like he’s down on his knees, so I can have space to use my hands and finish (rub my clit). Also, there’s a significant height difference. He is shorter than me so it’s hard to try missionary while I’m on the edge of the bed. We have tried pillows but still doesn’t work.

– One way we try and fix this is to not start off with missionary. Maybe we start off with doggy style or cowgirl, and then he is able to switch to missionary, maintain an erection, and finish.


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