Husband wants me to use a shock collar on him. How many volts are appropriate in a BDSM scenario?


Hello everyone! I used to have a very active account on this sub, but I deleted it and restarted everything from scratch for personal reasons. It feels good to be back! Now, let’s get to the actual post at hand.

My husband is wanting to try something out. He found a cute shock collar on Etsy that he absolutely fell in love with. It’s quite pricey, but I’m willing to invest in this kink as it’s something I’m also into. TECHNICALLY speaking, we did use one for a single session like two years ago, but it was poorly-made and didn’t actually deliver the kind of shock we were looking for—even at the highest setting. He wants something with a significant sting that will genuinely hurt, but not so much so that he becomes unable to focus on the sexual intimacy of the scenario. For those of you who have also used devices like this, what voltage do you usually set it to, and what would you compare the pain levels to?


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