I (18F) am unsure if my ex (18M) might have taken advantage/exploited me sexually?


So long story short, me and my ex have been pretty on and off and at this time around we were dating. I told him explicitly that I would never ever do something sexual with him or even kiss him unless he likes me deeply and wants to be in a relationship with me. 3 weeks into dating he told me he likes me and he has always liked me since day 1, and he always knew he wanted to be in a relationship with me since we started dating and that he wants to be official and he loves me etc. I trusted him with these words and immediately after came a kiss which led to a makeout which led to me giving him a bj. I go home happily and sleep, a few hours later I wake up to a text saying that he takes back everything he said and he regrets everything he said and he didn’t mean anything at all. He also said he could never talk to me again after what happened. I feel like I was taken advantage of just to please him as he knew my “rules”. But I don’t want to flame him if this doesn’t count/is my fault so can anyone give som guidance?


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