I (19F) feel like shit after intimacy, advice needed


I’m a virgin but I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year. We’ve tried having sex before but it’s never worked out (I can’t get past the pain). He is very respectful and always tries to make sure I’m feeling alright whenever we try anything. Over the year I’ve been fine with getting him off in any way he wants, and I was fine with him touching me as well as long as it wasn’t penetrative.

The last few months my libido has dropped insanely. When we are intimate in any manner I feel like shit after. He doesn’t do anything wrong, I just get a sudden feeling of fear, guilt, disgust (in myself), and discomfort. It’s gotten to the point where even him touching my bare stomach makes me uncomfortable and slightly upset.

I did grow up religious and I did have a bit of purity guilt but nothing overboard, and I wasn’t necessarily SAed in my past relationship nor as a kid, just had a few uncomfortable moments but nothing traumatic.

Does anyone have any advice on how to start getting over this growing fear of intimacy? And before people mention therapy, I’ve been to multiple therapists and they’ve all brushed this fear off as something every teen girl experiences, which I understand and am confused on why I’m not able to get over this fear like others and instead keep getting more fearful.

Any advice would be really appreciated


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