I [19F] regret everything that happened during my “first time” with [20M] and I feel sick


This guy was taking me around places where we could fuck in public. He found some place by my old middle/high school where it was like some “shed” thing with a wall that covered us enough and there were no cameras. He showed me the spot, then started making out with me and turned me around and pulled down my pants but then realized he didn’t have a condom so he stopped and we walked to get one.

I honestly prayed that he would change his mind but we still did it and I already feel like I led him on because i said I wanted to fuck previously. He fingered me and tried to put his penis in but it wouldn’t fit. We did other stuff and it was okay but I regret it all now. Thankfully it was at night so no one would catch us. But still. I wish I had told him no.

I don’t know what I should tell him or how I could possibly move forward from this.

Tl;dr- I regret the way that my first time went and I feel sick


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