I (21M) am unable to have sex with my girlfriend


Me (21M) and my girlfriend (22F) have been together for over a year and a half now and things are going good. The only problem is, as you can see, there has been no sex for almost a year. It’s not out of choice but during sex my penis will physically not fit. She’s assured me it’s not a case of her not being aroused enough, and we’ve tried lube with no luck. We’ve only managed to have sex a handful of times in our relationship and even then she will usually have to ask me to stop after 5-10 minutes as it starts to hurt (and will be sore for hours after). We are both each others first relationship and long term sexual partner, however she hasn’t had this problem with the guy she was with before me.

At this age I guess I want to have fun and experience sex so it gets frustrating, although I’d never tell her this as I don’t want her to get upset about it or feel like she’s annoying me. With the lack of sex at my age I can’t help but think about other girls sometimes (which of course I’d never act on). Is this wrong?

Please if anyone has experienced this or has any advice on what I should do please let me know. And am I wrong for getting thoughts about other girls?

Thank you!


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