I (22F) and a close friend (M) had sex today and now I feel confused and lost about how should I feel??


My friend and I met after a long while and went drinking with a friend first and later ended up alone in his room for more drinks. We are old friends from college and now have graduated since a year. We had a really good time today drinking. As there was a thunderstorm outside I couldn’t go home and we decided to watch a movie in his room after drinking couple more. I was very drowsy and drunk in the middle and later we began kissing (he initiated) and somehow we ended up making out and doing the deed. I was drunk but conscious and after sobering up in the middle of it i pushed him away and started to get ready to go home. I was panicking a bit. He assured me. I couldn’t say anything and thought about figuring it out at home. I seriously feel lost and confused. I don’t want to loose our friendship but now can’t ignore this in any way. I don’t know what to say to him tomorrow.


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