I (23M) came from eating my gf’s (25F) pussy


As embarrassing as this’ll sound, she’s been pretty much my first everything. First gf, first kiss, and the woman I gave my virginity to, all at the age of 23.

Yesterday, I was eating her out as she was sitting on my face which is my favorite thing in the world. The way she tastes, moans, dirty talks, and feeling her riding my face while I play with her ass just absolutely turns me on beyond belief!

Well, I guess I’m enamored with her, so much so that I came hands-free just from eating her pussy. I was embarrassed, but she surprisingly orgasmed from seeing me shoot my load high upward and thought it was the hottest thing in the world!?

She’s had 8 partners in total, but nothing like this has ever occurred with them. She was really warmed up by then, so we transitioned to PIV sex and she orgasmed a ton more after that and very easily too.

I’m still a little embarrassed about it, but if it turned her on like crazy, I won’t complain. Men, Women, Non-Binary folks, Has this ever happened to any of you??


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