I (28F) feel like my boyfriend (32M) isn’t turned on by me. He’s also a former adult industry star.


I (28F) feel like my boyfriend (32M) isn’t turned on by me. To give some context I’m dating a former pornstar who was in the industry for a while before we met. Out first couple times were of course amazing and we haven’t had any issues we connected instantly in bed and outside of it as well. The other day we were watching TV and he put my hand on his dick to start giving a handjob, after a while I started to give him a bj and noticed that he wasn’t as into as I was. I then backed off and continued to give him a handjob. Needless to say it was very anti-climactic he ended up getting soft and I just moved my hand away and sat next to him, he rearranged himself and just sat back up to watch tv as if none of that had happened. I hate to start thinking in the way that I may just not be as exciting as what he’s used to or has done in the past as he reassures me that he loves me and has no interest in the adult industry anymore.But part of me feels like this may not be the case….. maybe there’s some tips to surly get his attention


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