i am in Dillema. freind with benefits with girl who is also In relationship with someone


So here is the story, I am M(24) & i met this girl (22) and we became friends. I was not at all into her but she started liking me or what it seemed from her talks. She was already in relationship (is still) from past 4 years. I never really had much close talks to her but she was always ready for these talks. Suddenly this year in January we started sharing some deep talks and she told she wanted to make love and how she is attached with me. I asked her that she is already in relationship, won’t it affect that, she said it will not. I got to know she only had tried sex with her boyfriend once that too was unsuccessful.

So then we met and things happened. We did everything and she came more closer to me.
Now i am from different city so i went back. All these days when i was home she was asking me when would i come back and when will we do this again. ( Also she would do sexting daily).

Recently couple of weeks earlier she and her boyfriend got intimate with each other, she told me and i felt bad inside,( ofcourse i also have got attached). I asked her now what, she told nothing, we would do things as usual if i want and she don’t have any problem, BUT now she will be getting involved with her that boyfriend also time to time as he is now more into her after that day.
(Before that she used to say she don’t like to get intimate with him as she can’t make her mind with him but she didn’t had any problems doing with me )

My question is shall i continue this thing as i am in kind of freind with benefits situation here. I am taking care that i use condom and also asked her to use condom with her boyfriend which she told she already did. So will there be any problem if everything goes like this?

EDIT – 1. Since some of you were asking,. No, the guy is not aware of her with me. He knows me as a friend of her only.


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