I can’t get into my boyfriend’s newfound kink and I feel like an asshole for it


I (24F) have been dating my boyfriend (26M) for about a year and a half.

When we got together both of us were pretty inexperienced in that we’d only dated a handful of people and neither of us had been in a relationship longer than a few months.

Since we’ve been together we have been doing a lot of experimenting sexually since both of us are/were pretty vanilla.

There are some things that he has asked me to do that I wasn’t thrilled about but I did them because he seemed to excited about them. These things include having a threesome, light bondage, orgasm denial…stuff like that. I don’t love any of it but I don’t hate it.

Recently my boyfriend went out and bought some lingerie for himself. He has been wearing it but I haven’t seen him in it. He also mentioned an interest in makeup and wigs but as far as I know he hasn’t bought any of those.

The other day he asked if it would be okay if he wore it while we have sex. I said no but I felt like such an asshole afterwards.

I am happy for him to be exploring and embrace who he is…but I find a man in lingerie and makeup to be a complete turnoff. I worry that I come across as a bigot if I say that but I just don’t find it attractive whatsoever. If it makes that person happy then that’s wonderful and I think that anyone should dress how they want, but if I’m having sex with a male partner I don’t want him to be wearing lingerie or makeup.

Does that make me an asshole?

I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to deny him this part of his sexuality but I just am not into it. I don’t want to hurt him.


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