I can’t have sex because it’s too painful. Any ideas on how or why?


So basically the title. I(18f) have been with my boyfriend(19m) for over a year and in the past few months we decided we’re ready to go to the next step and have sex. Prior to that we only kept to hand and mouth stuff. We are each other’s first, no prior sexual experience for neither of us.

Here’s the deal tho, we tried doing it a few times (used protection, lube, set the mood, all that stuff) but whenever he is inserting his penis inside me i can’t take more than let’s say 2 inches because it hurts TERRIBLY. I wouldn’t say the cause is his member being too long or girthy (i’d say he’s packing around 6-7 inches?)

Is this normal? Should i go to a gyno to get checked up? What’s going on?


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