I don’t know where I’m Gay or Straight


118 (M) have been struggling a long time with this attraction towards men, yet I identify as straight and I feel romantically attracted to women. For example, if I see a attractive muscular gay man on social media, I will then likely become hard and pleasure myself to pictures of that and others like it. Yet I never get hard or pleasure myself to images of half naked or nude female models. Yet in irl I don’t feel any romantic attraction towards men and I feel a better connection towards women. This issue is preventing me from finding someone to date and or to talk to. And all my friends are in relationships and i want to start looking for one too. I know that p*rn and pleasing myself isnt helping but is there any advice for this situation

Thank you! P.S. I support the Igbt community but I’m just trying to figure out what I am.


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