I don’t want sex anymore – I hate the smell of my partner’s vagina.


I’ve (M32) been with my fiancé for 5 years. She’s smart, curious, confident – and so sexy. I’m still sexually attracted to her beyond the ups and downs of our journey.

In the past year, since we’ve moved in together, my sex drive has crashed to an all time low because her vagina smell so bad. Sometimes it smells like onions and others it smells like bad fish. For years I’ve just dealt with it but I hate it. As soon as I get a whiff, I lose my erection and struggle to get it back because I hate the smell.

A few months ago I tried hinting the awful smell to her by putting my fingers on her face after fingering her and she didn’t react. I don’t think she could smell it.

I got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore and told her about it by politely suggesting she jump in the shower before sex because I couldn’t get in the mood. I embarrassed my baby and she was paranoid for weeks. She didn’t want sex anymore either as she very self-conscious. I felt so bad.

We’ve gotten back in the swing of things and I just forcefully put up with the smell because I love her so much.

I hate having sex with her and have started taking ED pills to get hard so I can pleasure her.

I know she’s healthy and visits the gyno regularly.

Any advice folks…


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