I (F) finish just hearing my man say he’s about to finish


This isn’t a concern, I’m just super curious as to why this happens to me? I don’t have a mental block when it comes to orgasms and I’ve been with my man for like 4 months and I am a squirter. RIP all bedsheets.

We always orgasm and make sure the other finishes no matter what or how many rounds we have. A few days ago we were doing it when I asked him if I could jerk him off and he finishes on me. Then he tells me he’s about to cum and he’s not touching me, I’m doing him with my hands and it’s waterfall down there for me ?? I came thrice without touch but just hearing him moan and say he’s about to cum lol omg.

I think this has happened to me once or twice before but I want to know whyyy and how am I able to finish without any touch or stimulation.


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