I (f34) love my bf(m35) very much, but the sex is awful


Throwaway for obvious reasons.
I’m writing this as much as a rant as I’m open to advice.

My bf and I have been together for 11 years. We love each other a lot, have insane chemistry, we do everything together, are best friends and the best partners in life. We think alike, share the same passions, live together, and neither of us want to cheat on the other or even consider opening our relationship, it’s a massive turnoff for the both of us to say the least. So everything’s going great… Except the sex.

His biggest flaw is that he will half-ass a lot of things he do then wonder why it’s not working, and sex is no exception.

First, his idea of “preliminaries” is pretty much always him lying down with all his weight ont me, grinding on me, and slobbering all over my face with wet kisses, until he gets hard… Which takes at most 2 minutes. No tickling, no touching, no fingering or hand jobs, no going down on each other, nope.
It isn’t fun or comfortable for me in any way and definitely doesn’t get me turned on at all.

I try telling him what to do… But either he refuses because “he doesn’t feel like it” or tries for half a minute then stops because “it’s enough”, then resumes the wet slobbery grinding.

After a big… 2 minutes of this, after which I am still dry and definitely not turned on and ready, he wants to go straight to penetration. If I tell him I’m not ready, he complains that if we don’t do it NOW, he’s gonna go soft… (Which actually happens, it isn’t just a dumb excuse) But if I go with it, it fuckin HURTS, obviously.

After we have done the deed, he just goes straight to bed. No cuddling, no aftercare, nothing. He basically just leaves me naked on the bed still panting and goes to his room for the night(we sleep in separate bedrooms simply because we both snore, and I’m a light sleeper. Attempting to sleep in the same bed or room is a nightmare).

Most of the time he ends up losing his erection while inside me, before any of us can “finish”. The moment he is soft, it’s game over. He stops right then and there, removes the condom, lets out a frustration comment about how “bad he is for not lasting” then goes to sleep. Again, no aftercare, no trying something else, no touching, oral, or playing, not even any cuddles…

It’s frustrating, and I hate this kind of sex. I tried discussing with him about it, suggesting to try things and kinks we might both enjoy, but it hasn’t led anywhere. The best he did was get a prescription for some viagra, which does absolutely nothing other than give him a headache.


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