I feel insecure about my dick


Well just as the title says Im feeling really insecured about that and I tried to make myself feel better about it but is not working. So yesterday I went out to see my gf and I told her once that in my college they gifted condoms, at that time I was single so I told her that I gifted them to a friend because I was not going to use them anyway. So she told me that I should’ve keep them because we will have to use when we have sex.

I told her that it wasn’t a good option because classic or normal condoms don’t fit me, that is because even though my lenght is average, my girth is kinda big, so I have to use XL condoms so I feel more comfortable. We continued our convo and she asked me for my measurements so we can find condom brand together because in my country is really weird to find places where they sell bigger condoms. I told her I am 6” x 5.7” and she told me that it was going to hurt her, which kinda was a boost ego for me, because I always though that I was average, but she told me that the girth was the one that worries her not the lenght.

I know that it is stupid but I made me feel really bad, because well a lot of guys if not the majority like to get compliments about their dicks specially if it is large. I was really curious and I asked her what was her previous experiences and she told me a lot of them, and really put me a lot of pressure and shame, mainly because I think that she is going to judge my sizes or I will not be enough for her, I am aware that there’s more ways than just penetration and not because a big dick = good sex, but idk it really made feel ashamed of what I have, and I don’t have a lot of sexual experiences, and those ones only recieved a few compliments about how thick it is.

I talked to my friends about it and they told me that I should not feel bad for that and that lenght doesn’t matter always and girth is the one that really matters and I should feel proud of having a “big penis”, but idk, I just don’t feel like that. Mainly because the society’s main focus is lenght, makes me feel like girth is not important and it just useful to flex that I need XL condoms.

And now that I know my girlfriend’s previous experiences makes me feel that I will not top or overcome those guys that she told me about.

PD. Srry but this is not my native language so if it’s difficult to understand I apologize in advance.


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