I feel like im losing interest in sex with my partner


Me and my girlfriend are both are first time in everything. So very inexperienced.

We usually do a bit of foreplay and have casually sex. I feel like i miss the excitement. I feel like its just both reaching finish line been satisfied done. I need more passion to get excited.. and here is the problem i don’t know exactly what i want. I asked maybe she’d be interested to be doing anal. She replied maybe in the future i was fine with that. Recently i talked about using toys. She didn’t reply all that excited about it. Im not gonna buy expensive toys for nothing. She just doesn’t want to try new things. And she enjoys the sex how it is that’s fine but now i’m feeling i don’t wanna have sex i get horny so much less and resort to just mastrubating. I still find her attractive though. She is very insecure as well so how can i solve this. I also tried asking her fetishes. She couldn’t name one that’s interesting to her.

Please help i need advice because we are both new. And i don’t wanna ruin this relationship. Maybe we need to make it more spicy but how?


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