I finally gave her an orgasm! After a year of dating, today I figured out she can cum from PIV sex. I wanna make sure she cums everytime from now. What to do?


I(24m) have been trying to get my gf(24f) to finish for almost a year. We had many things to figure out. At first we had a dryness and pain problem. Fixed it with lube.

Now today I gave her a massage with massage oil/lube and she was quite turned on by it. She pulled me for a BJ as I fingered her, then asked me to put it in. I took a few seconds to wear a condom and after putting it in, we did it missionary for a few minutes. I even stopped to adjust our positions once or twice.

I did not expect her to finish, but she came with me, just at the same time. I’m so happy. Now, what do I do with this information? How do I make her cum again and everytime? Any suggestions?

I’ll appreciate all advice.


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